Christmas Carol Of the Day

This Christmas carol, while ancient, may be quite new to some of you. It sort of was to me until recently, and I wanted to share it with you all. The words are beautiful and so reflective of what the Christmas season is truly all about. You will notice that the choir only sings verses 1, 3, and 6 in this rendition. However, I did include all of the verses for your enjoyment. Here now is, All My Heart This Night Rejoices by Johann Eberling:

"All my heart this night rejoices,
As I hear, far and near, sweetest angel voices.
'Christ is born,' their choirs are singing,
Till the air, everywhere, now with joy is ringing.

Hark! A voice from yonder manger,
Soft and sweet, doth entreat:
'Flee from woe and danger;
Brethren come: from all doth grieve you
You are freed; all you need
I will surely give you.'

Come, then, let us hasten yonder;
Here let all, great and small, 
Kneel in awe and wonder;
Love Him who with love is yearning;
Hail the star that from far
Bright with hope is burning.

Ye who pine in weary sadness,
Weep no more, for the door
Now is found of gladness.
Cling to Him for He will guide you
Where no cross, pain or loss, 
Can again betide you.

Blessed Savior, let me find Thee!
Keep Thou me, close to Thee,
Cast me not behind Thee!
Life of life, my heart Thou stillest,
Calm I rest on Thy breast,
All this void Thou fillest.

Thee, O Lord, with heed I'll cherish,
Live to Thee, and with Thee
Dying, shall not perish,
But shall dwell with Thee forever
Far on high, in the joy
That can alter never."
