Quote of the Day

"Suppose we saw a believing sinner standing before God's bar of justice. The books are opened, the accuser present, and the witnesses are ready. The Judge speaks: 'You stand before me for millions of sins of commission and omission. You have broken my holy laws, and have been proven guilty. What do you have to say for yourself as to why you should not be eternally cast out?' Upon this, the sinner pleads guilty and earnestly desires liberty to plead for himself as to why this dreadful sentence should not be passed upon him (Matthew 25:41). Given opportunity, the sinner pleads: 'Jesus Christ has, by His blood and sufferings, given full and complete satisfaction to divine justice, and has paid down upon the nail the whole debt at once, and it can never stand with the holiness and unspotted justice of God to demand satisfaction twice.' If the judge shall further object, 'Ay, but sinner, the law requires an exact and perfect righteousness; where is your exact and perfect righteousness?' the believing sinner very readily, cheerfully, humbly, and bold replies, 'My righteousness is there on the bench; in the Lord I have my righteousness. Christ, my surety, has fulfilled the law on my behalf. Christ, by His active and passive obedience, has fulfilled the law for righteousness, and this active and passive obedience of Jesus Christ is imputed to me. His obeying the law to the full, His perfect conforming to its commands, His doing as well as His dying obedience, is by grace made over and reckoned to me for my justification and salvation. This is my plea by which I stand before the judge of all the world.' Upon this, the sinner's plea is accepted as good in law and accordingly he is pronounced righteous, and goes away glorifying and rejoicing, triumphing and shouting it out - Righteous!"
                          - Thomas Brooks 
