Quote of the Day
"How great and honorable is the privilege of a true believer! That he has neither wisdom nor strength in himself, is no disadvantage; for he is connected with infinite wisdom and almighty power...The Lord, whom he serves, engages to proportion his strength to his day, whether it be a day or service or of suffering: and though he be fallible and short-sighted, exceeding liable to mistake and imposition; yet, while he retains a sense that he is so, and with the simplicity of a child asks counsel and direction of the Lord, he seldom takes a wrong step, at least not in matters of consequence; and even his inadvertencies are overruled for good. If he forgets his trust state, and thinks himself to be something, he presently finds that he is indeed nothing; but if he is content to be nothing, and to have nothing, he is sure to find a seasonable and abundant communication of all that he wants. Thus he lives, like Israel in the wilderness, upon mere bounty, but then it is a bounty unchangeable, unwearied, inexhaustible, and all-sufficient."
- John Newton
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