Quote of the Day
"God may prove us in affliction. Hypocrites can serve God in pleasure and prosperity, but when we keep close to Him in times of danger, when we trust Him in darkness, and love Him when we have no smile, and say, 'Your will be done,' that is the proof of sincerity! God is only trying us, and what hurt is there in that? Is gold worse for being tried? Our crosses have the kindness of God in them...There is no condition so cloudy but we may see the light of comfort. It should make our wills cheerfully submit to God's, when we consider that in every path of providence we find His footsteps of kindness. There is kindness in affliction when God seems most unkind. When God afflicts His people, and seems to sacrifice their outward comforts, He loves them...It cannot be ill with you if God is with you. He is with you to support, sanctify, and sweeten every affliction."
- Thomas Watson
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