New Beginnings

As most of you will notice, I have not been blogging much this summer. A couple of months ago, I decided to step back from daily blogging for awhile to work on myself and to seek God's direction for this blog. While I knew at the time that He wasn't calling me to end this blog, I also felt as though a new direction was needed. A new purpose, a new message, a new way. And so I waited... 
 Waited on the Lord's clear communication for what this new fresh start was going to be about and why. Lots of prayer and thought have gone into the past few weeks, and I am excited to tell you that big changes are in store in the near future! While I am unable to share those at this time, the coming months will begin to reveal what they are. 
 As a sneak peak of things to come, you will note that the blog has gotten a serious facelift recently! This new format will allow me to enhance my posts with greater photography and other touches that will add to the reader's experience. 
 I hope you will continue to take this journey to Grace with me as we seek together to fall deeper in love with the grandeur of God. 
