Sudden Storm
Thunder rolls as I curl even deeper under the covers, almost as if to wrap myself in a proverbial feeling of safety as rumble-claps loudly announce themselves in the late hours of the night.
Wind slaps rain against windowpane, and I wonder if I'm going to drift off to sleep in the midst of all this noise... if my body will let me rest in the middle of summer storm...
And isn't that always the question: whether or not one can find peace when sudden storms gather?
It had been a near-perfect day until the evening. There had been no signs of an imminent storm - no gathering clouds, no hidden sun, no smell of coming showers... until the sky turned an eery shade of orange-pink. Sunset hit shrouded heavens as one suddenly felt that earth was preparing for a coming disturbance.
Within an hour or so, everything broke loose. The skies opened up as water poured from above, pelting everything in its place. Hunkered down in my warm house, I listened as cloudburst and roar sounded from above. Nature flexing its powerful strength.
And I thought of how quite often, the most forceful storms in our lives are the ones we least expect. There is no sign of them until suddenly, they are upon us. And we are faced with the decision of whether to tell ourselves we are safe, snuggle into the security of love, and make ourselves rest in the midst, or to give into the fear and let our hearts become unsettled.
At any point, we are either letting God rule the storm, or we are letting the storm rule us. There is no in-between.
On nights like this when weather is showing itself in a mighty way, I'm not the best at drifting off. I assumed this night would be the same. But I had to admit: I was tired.
It had been an emotional day of hard, honest conversations, of doing the difficult things in order to pursue the best things, of letting go so that I could chase something more, of finding clarity in the midst of uncertainty. And I felt the exhaustion. I couldn't fight the weariness. In short time, my eyelids won out, and I fell asleep to the sound of continuing thunder and drops on window-glass.
Hours later, I awoke to Robin-song outside and realized the storm must have passed already. Birds only come out and sing once the danger is over. And I also realized I had slept peacefully through the worst of it. Trusted I was safe. Knew I was held. Believed the storm couldn't touch me because I had shelter and I had love.
Life always presents us with the choice as to if we will rest in the storm. We can't predict their approach and often, they land on us with great force and little warning. We cannot control them, and they cannot be humanly contained. But we can decide what message we will listen to in midst of it. Will we give way to worry and let the power of the storm overwhelm us? Or will we nestle into the arms of Him who holds us always? Will we remind ourselves that all is safe and well in this place - that peace can be found in the middle of life-disruption.
He promises us "perfect peace" if our thoughts are fixed on Him, and He who showed the disciples so long ago that it's possible to sleep through a storm on the waves wants to do the same for us. To prove to us that we are kept forever, even when the gales blow and the thunder claps and the rain drives. Here, in this place of great disturbance, the Savior shows up and says, "Peace, be still."
Be still, dear heart. You are not alone ever, nor are you in danger. Everything around you may shake and roll but with Me, you are secure. I am here in the storm with you, controlling the elements so that they cannot hurt you too fiercely or finally. I am reminding you that I will be near you always, no matter how difficult things get. I am in the boat too, commanding the seas and comforting your soul. So don't be afraid. As with anything else, this too shall pass. And, on the other side, as morning dawns, bird-song will greet and you, too will sing again.
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