Quote Of The Day
"...Your brain contains almost a trillion cells that are connected through trillions of synapses to create you - your mind, memory, personality, everything. And of all the creatures on earth, humans are the only ones with the incredible gift of selective attention. That's the ability God gave you to decide what you are going to think about, and how you're going to respond to it.
It's amazing that, of all the animals on the planet, we're the only ones who can decide to separate our circumstances from how we feel, and our neurochemistry, our mood, our emotional state will reliably improve when we make the conscious choice to direct our thoughts more positively. Of course, the Bible told us this a long time ago: Paul in Philippians 4 gives us several things to think about to reduce anxiety and change our own minds. This, my friend, is self-brain surgery, and you can do it whenever and wherever you are...
...We can let our circumstances or other people determine our mood and our train of thought, which will produce and determine our actions, or we can let God help us learn self-brain surgery so we can change our minds...and get to where we need to go so that we can become healthier, feel better, and be happier.
Self-brain surgery to think about your thinking is a super-power that will help everything feel better...and you can use it to change your mind and change your life.
But you have to start today."
- Dr. Lee Warren
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