Quote of the Day

"I have been wearied of being so perpetually beholden to Him, necessitated to come to Him always in the same strain, as a poor miserable sinner. I could have liked to have done something for myself in common, and to have depended upon Him chiefly for extraordinary occasions. I have found indeed, that I could do nothing without His assistance, nor anything even with it, but what I have reason to be ashamed of. If this had only humbled me and let me to rejoice in His all-sufficiency, it would have been well. But it has too often had a different effect, to make me sullen, angry, and discontented, as if it was not best and most desirable that He should have all the glory of His own work, and that I should have nothing to boast of, but that in the Lord I have righteousness and strength. I am now learning to glory only in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me; to be content to be nothing that He may be All in All. But I find this a hard lesson; and when I seem to have made some proficiency. a slight turn in my spirit throws me back, and I have to begin all again...Humbled I ought to be, to find I am totally depraved; but not discouraged, since Jesus is appointed to me of God, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; and since I find that, in the midst of all this darkness and deadness, He keeps alive the principle of grace which He has implanted in my heart."
              - John Newton 
