Sufficient Grace
My Grace Is Sufficient For Thee
Oppressed with unbelief and sin,
Fightings without, and fears within;
While earth and hell, with force combined,
Assault and terrify my mind:
What strength have I against such foes,
Such hosts and legions to oppose?
Alas! I tremble, faint, and fall;
Lord, save me, or I give up all.
Thus sorely pressed, I sought the Lord,
To give me some sweet, cheering word;
Again I sought, and yet again;
I waited long, but not in vain.
Oh! 'twas a cheering word indeed!
Exactly suited to my need;
'Sufficient for thee is My grace,
Thy weakness My great pow'r displays.'
Now I despond and mourn no more,
I welcome all I feared before;
Though weak, I'm strong; though troubled, blest;
For Christ's own pow'r shall on me rest.
My grace would soon exhausted be,
But His is boundless as the sea;
Then let me boast with holy Paul,
That I am nothing, Christ is all."
- John Newton
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