Don't Miss Now!
In light of yesterday's post, I thought it applicable to share with you the lyrics to a song that I've been thinking about lately. It's a reminder to not let the moments pass you by, to take the time for the things that matter so that you may finish your one life well, having lived fully.
Don't Miss Now
by Downhere
The life you chose - there's never a list for it
Of cons and pros - you find what you love, and you commit
And you're looking so far down the road so well
That you could forget your crown isn't just somewhere else.
You get bumped and bruised and worse for choosing the road less traveled;
You know the reward is rich if you persist through the darkest battles;
Open your eyes - your prize is right before you somehow:
Whatever you do, just don't miss now.
You're on a bus, don't notice the miles and months fly by;
To the rest of us, you're living the highest kind of life.
I know the price you pay is costlier than it seems,
But it's worth another day - the end justifies the means.
All that you're working for could blind you
To the treasures all around you,
So don't miss these moments, please -
The joy before the crown you seek.
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