Show Grace
I have wrestled with how (or if) I should further address the increasing divisions going on in our country since this blog is not a political or social forum but a place of spiritual discussion and openness for those hurting and seeking hope. However, I am not naive to the on-going situations that are dividing us over theological truth, racial issues, political preference, and so many other topics. I have spoken my perspective without specifics in recent months, and my message has come down to a simple truth: show others the same grace and patience that God has granted you. As these discussions have raged on, I feel the same message must be emphasized. However, I prayed yesterday over how to keep addressing them without being redundant. Then, my eyes fell on these words written by John Newton in the early 1800s as he dealt with the religious and social hostility of his own day...and this, I feel, is all that can be said regarding the issues we face today:
"Observation and experience contribute, by the grace of God, gradually to soften and sweeten our spirits; but then there will always be ground for mutual forbearance and mutual forgiveness on this head. However, so far as I may judge of myself, I think this hastiness is not my most easily besetting sin. I am not indeed an advocate for that indifference and lukewarmness to the truths of God, which seem to constitute the candor many plead for in the present day. But while I too hold fast the sound doctrines of the Gospel towards the persons of my fellow creatures, I wish to exercise all moderation and benevolence: Protestants or [Catholics], Socinians or Deists, Jews, Samaritans, or [Muslims], all are my neighbors; they have all a claim upon me for the common offices of humanity. As to religion, they cannot all be right; nor may I compliment them by allowing the differences between us are trivial, when I believe and know they are important; but I am not to expect them to see with my own eyes. I am deeply convinced of the truth of John Baptist's aphorism, John 3:27, 'A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.' I well know, that the little measure of knowledge I have obtained in the things of God has not been owing to my wisdom or docility, but to His goodness. Nor did I get it all at once; He has been pleased to exercise much patience and long-suffering towards me...since He first gave me a desire of learning from Himself. He has graciously accommodated Himself to my weakness, borne with my mistakes, and helped me through innumerable prejudices which, but for His mercy, would have been insuperable hindrances; I have therefore no right to be angry, impatient, or censorious, especially as I have still so much to learn, and am so poorly influenced by what I seem to know."
Fellow readers and friends - show grace. Give mercy. Disagree if you must with others, and always stand for the truth, but do so in respect and civility, for who knows but we may win over an enemy by our love.
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