More Of Him

 I've been walking through a challenging but very fruitful time in my spiritual life lately, and this song I'm sharing with you today has been a big part of that. God has been graciously allowing me to learn some crucial things about myself that are changing the way I live my life, the way I interact with others, and the way I see through to God. The way I can trust and live more in Grace everyday. It's simple really: I'm desiring more of Him and less of me. So easier said than done on a moment-to-moment basis, but I'm seeing how the little things translate into the big things when it comes to this important truth. It's the little decisions when you choose brave, you choose joy, you choose faith instead of letting your one life be controlled by fear and doubt. All these little things add up until your heart becomes filled with Him and emptied of yourself. Until you empty yourself of all that He has to offer. Until you empty only Him. 
 As I begin another week, I'm praying this in full for every single day...every moment, really:

"More of You, less of me,
Make me who I'm meant to be;
You're all I want, all I need,
You're everything.
Take it all - I surrender; be my King.
God, I choose more of You and less of me."
