The Unshakeable Truth

 Words have evaded me for days as I've tried to process the last couple of days and the terrible aftermath of the devastating earthquake that hit my home state and community of Alaska. 

For all those who still don't know, my family and I are fine. We were actually out of state at the time it happened, so I've been following this disaster from a distance. A friend checked on our house hours after the quake hit, and it miraculously sustained little mess and no damage. God always takes care. 

It's still been extremely hard to see the damage that's been done in the area thanks to this monster of an earthquake. It's the second biggest natural disaster in state history and, considering the magnitude of it at 7.0, the loss of life and property should have been enormous. The fact that there are no major injuries and no deaths is a total act of God's mercy. 

But as I've watched the news reports roll in and heard back from friends up north, a couple of things have stood out to me: 

The recovery from this event will take longer to recover from than merely patching up shredded roads. There have also been shredded souls - lives that sustained emotional shock - that need healing in the deepest ways. Healing that only the Lord Himself can offer them. 

Sometimes it takes a tragedy to remind us that we're not in control of our lives and that our possessions are only stuff. This world is not our forever home. And it's only the treasure that you lay up in Heaven that really matters in the end. Stuff can be replaced, but a soul that's lost forever spends a hope-less eternity. When our world is upended, where do we place our faith? 

I've also seen the way others have come together to help one another. Neighbors checking in on neighbors, friends reaching out to friends, family taking care of family. In this day and age, we can often live our lives in relative disconnect from one another. In times such as these, when electricity and wi-fi are out, when people are without running water, when holding onto to each other tight is all you can do - suddenly you begin to live outside of your own little world. You begin to live in the world of others and you begin to build community for yourself and them. Life is much better together. It's a shame that something like this has to remind us of that. 

Most importantly, I've reflected on the fact that, in a world of constant change... in seasons of uncertainty, in times of pain, in moments of despair... there is unshakeable truth to be found. There is hope that holds you together when everything else is falling apart. And that hope is this: 

God. Never. Leaves.

God never abandons us in our suffering. Never gives up on us in our adversity. Never stops being sovereign. When all around you life speaks of things shattered, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace never fail to bring wholeness. To give unending grace to meet every challenge. To provide the assurance of His love in our greatest hour of need. To offer faith that stares fear in the face and dares to believe. 

God. Never. Leaves.


He is the Mighty God forever

So why be afraid?! 

Why worry when He's got all this... even this... in His hands?! 

This is what carries one through the brokenness of our world. This is what causes one to look up when looking around only breeds more anxiety. More fear. More unbelief. 

As the pieces are picked up of shattered dreams, possessions, and altered lives, hope will emerge from this disaster. God will prove, once again, that His goodness never runs out. When the foundations are shaken, truth always stands firm.  
