Surprise Me, Lord!
Surprise me, Lord!
Sometimes I think You've become too predictable in my mind - too safe, too small. I've made You out to be this little God who's there to do my bidding when You're the big, GIANT God in who's hands are all the affairs of the universe. I've diminished You into a compliant being who is here to make me happy instead of a Savior who wants to make me holy.
I've blamed You for countless disappointments, figuring I'd rather have the easy route than the transformative one, content to remain where I'm comfortable and so resist the mystery of a Spirit-led life.
You are not a God who sits on Your throne catering to mankind's every wish. If You did, we would never be asked to change, adapt, overcome. Things would always go as expected, as wanted. But I've never realized until now just how boring that would be. How... blah. How simple. Uninteresting.
What adds interest, flavor - the heart of walking with You - is that the journey is unknown. Uncertain. That's why it's called an adventure. I am not given the road map, and I certainly don't know the way on my own. But I have been given You. You who have been down this path so many times and, every time, brought Your trusting ones safely through.
Wake me up to the fact that the best gifts You offer are often the ones that are unexpected. Unplanned. That Your time, Your way, is always the perfect one, and I never have to worry about how the story will end up or what I'll experience along the trek. Because with You, I can be assured that it will ALWAYS be good.
So, surprise me, Lord!
Let me take Your hand in faith and expectation, letting go of all I'm afraid of and placing full confidence in the fact that each twist and turn holds its own, special kind of beauty. Open my eyes to all I've been missing while I was so busy trying to control and dictate everything on my own, and give me the faith to believe the destination, as well as the journey, will be worth all the struggle in the end.
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