Quote Of The Day
"What if you're looking for light at the end of a tunnel - that turns out to be a cave with only a dead end?
What if you're dealt bad hands - and they seem to come from the hand of God?
What if you're right parched and God keeps right on passing you by?
What if it feels like your prayers aren't falling only on deaf ears - but a hard heart?
What if your begging please - feels like ignored pleas?
Though you think no on is praying with you, the Ultimate One is praying for you.
The One who brought you into existence is carrying you in prayer when that existence is brutally hard.
The One who breathes stars breathes prayers for you, the One whose words spoke the world into being uses priceless words over your being, the One who made time, lives beyond all time, controls all of time, uses all of His time to pray for you, because you are priceless to Him.
Jesus is praying for your holiness because He knows your holiness is your ultimate happiness.
Jesus is praying that you'll be set apart from what threatens to take part of your heart.
Because He knows: When you just want Him - then you always get just what you want.
Jesus is praying that you'll be brave when you're about to break, that you'll turn from what's tempting, that you'll stand up against what's strangling, that you'll escape into Him instead of trying to escape in a thousand unfulfilling ways.
Hard times don't need to understand what God is doing - like they need to know God's standing with us, that He's kneeling in prayer for us at all times. Nothing makes you more fiercely brave than knowing Jesus is fiercely praying for you."
- Ann Voskamp
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