
 Snowflakes gently fall in silent unison as boots softly break trail. I'm surprised at how this sudden fear of going into the unfamiliar gripped me this morning - this tense desire to stay in the safe and not step out...even when I knew the unfamiliar would be safe. Mind played tricks on soul as lies tried to talk me out of venturing into the unknown and trying somewhere new. 

Perhaps I'm simply tired of change these days...desperate for stability in a world that's been whirling with anything but the norm for months. Whatever the reason, faith is a challenge. Motivation is a challenge. And even the joy of His world that awaited me wasn't quite enough to push me out of the comfort zone. Body freezes in fear's grip, and I tell myself that I must find a way to see His way because that's always the best way. 

It amazes me how even when you know The Truth it can still be so difficult to accept it. To live it. To make it your truth!

Fingers tightly wrap around stirring wheel as I head toward adventure and push myself to let go a little. To throw some self-made caution to the wind and take in His abundance. Worship music pipes through radio waves and I realize that sometimes you have to force yourself to find the song. Make yourself praise and do the hard things when your heart tries to convince you there isn't a tune there to sing. 

Mid-drive, an eagle flies overhead and, once again, I'm lost in a moment of wonder. And I smile because the reminder is so clear, so personal: those who wait on God will renew their strength. 

Even youths will falter and grow weary and even strong hearts will faint and contemplate giving in. Even the best believer will discover their inner worst doubter. And even the bravest among us will find themselves afraid. 

But the ones who soar are the ones who lean. The ones you cast themselves on the One who sustains all life...even their's. 

The way you run life's race is by waiting on the Lord. By telling time by His time. By letting the rhythms of divine Grace show you the way. The way into any unknown way is placing footsteps and heartbeats where He has already gone. And though it may look like your feet are breaking trail, He has passed this way before you and every sign along the path leads to where He has gone. 

I note the deep quiet in these woods - the sound of nothing but air. And I look around at all the untouched white and breathe... 

"Though your sins be as scarlet..." Ah, yes. This snow represents cleansing as His washing-Grace blankets my soul in renewing love. All this fallen snow-powder is made up of frozen water - healing rain meant to soak into dry earth come Spring and refresh after the hard-frosts of winter's cold. And I feel the chest ease and the lungs draw in deep as pure oxygen rushes in, and I come alive. 

I come alive with one brave step at a time. 

As I always do, I leave more strengthened than when I began. I end better than I started, and isn't that the whole of life? To find oneself further forward...however minutely...than one first did? 

Today was a day of falling back into the Arms that hold the world. Of staring my own unbelief in the face and doing the difficult thing because that's usually where I'll find Him. 

It's as true now as it ever was: those who depend completely and desperately on their Sustainer will mount up with wings as eagles, ever running, ever walking, ever soaring with increased strength. Because it isn't about never being weak or faint. It's about the One who carries you when you are. The same One who upholds all this fainting world and Who calls us all into wild places to see crazy things because He's a God who loves to surprise and, sometimes, you just need to get out of your own way in order to behold His way which is always the Grace-Way. 
