Quote of the Day

"Our worst days - or weeks, or months, or years - have a way of burying the mercies of God in our past, and darkening the promises of God for our future. The past becomes a list of hopes deferred, relationships lost, opportunities squandered, all telling the broken story of how we landed here. And the future, as far as we can see, will only get worse. 

For God's people, however, what we see never tells the full story. 'We walk by faith, not by sight' (2 Corinthians 5:7). Faith, not sight, must be our guide as we scan the pages of yesterday and turn the page of tomorrow. And faith has a different interpretation than what our worst moments would suggest. When faith looks to the past and to the future, it says with David, 'You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us' (Psalm 40:5). The past, no matter how many ghosts walk there, is full of His wondrous deeds. The future, no matter how many sorrows await us there, is full of His merciful plans." 

                                                            - Scott Hubbard 
