Quote of the Day
"This is a tension we must live in, and one that is impossible to resolve: on the one hand, we pray for what we believe to be God's will, and we do so boldly and persistently. On the other hand, we pray with humility and in submission, ready to surrender to what in fact happens that might seem, at least at the time, to run contrary to God's will. Jesus did not hesitate to pray for what He wanted, and neither should we. But in the end, He surrendered to what He realized God wanted. He discerned His Father's greater will in Gethsemane. Like Jesus, we might discover God's will in the act of prayer; we might also discover His will through the natural order of events. In either case, we must live in that tension - pray for what we believe is right, submit to what in fact happens, no matter what it is. Our submission to God is, after all, a dimension of God's will for us."
- Prof. Jerry Sittser in When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer
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