When God Asks Big Faith From You

 The other day at church, I find out that she's expecting...again. She has two children under age three...the second-born of which came into this world with a physically broken heart. He continues to face each day with many risks, yet smiles his way through them. There are many surgeries and medical evaluations in his little future. The family's finances are not always stable due to the ebbs and flows of the husband's job. I sat back and thought: many people would view these circumstances as less than ideal to bring yet another child into the world. They would say that they don't have enough money to support another life, that the second child's medical challenges are too numerous to add a newborn into the mix, that there are too many variables ahead...too many reasons not to continue forward with the giving of life...
 But this young family and chosen to let their faith be bigger than their fears. Trusting God always outweighs the concerns. And I reflect on the fact that so many of us let our own doubts, let our own understanding, get in the way of where God is headed. We miss the opportunities for our faith to grow because we are too focused on what doesn't make sense. Because sometimes God asks us to step out in belief when everything around us tells us not to. God calls us, at various moments in our life, to trust Him and take the hard road when others point out the easier one. The comfortable one. The one that seems logical. 
 But when you keep on choosing the safe and easy route all the time, maybe you miss the miracles. Maybe you deprive yourself of seeing God work the seemingly impossible because you did what seemed sensible. Perhaps you lose chances to see through to God and to experience amazing grace given in the most unbelievable circumstances because you stuck with what appeared to be less challenging. 
 I have personally chosen this path more than once and now I see that it only prevented me from seeing God's provision. He is always supplying what we need, but sometimes we keep ourselves from receiving greater blessings from Him because we aren't willing to give Him greater space to provide and show Himself faithful. 
 When you choose the brave way, when you live by faith instead of fear, it will take you to places you never dreamed of. It will drive you to do things that, in your natural self, you would shy away from and run the other way. Things that you would say are so improbable it's not worth trying. But what if we began to live with the idea that grace is so sufficient for us that there isn't anything God can't (and won't) take us through? What if we started to face fear so boldly that we kept on choosing the hard things simply because we aren't afraid of growing. We welcome the adversities, the challenges, because God is good and we are always loved...even in the midst of what seems to be an insurmountable task. 
 Take a look at your own life, and ask yourself: what is it that I'm failing to trust God for? Am I taking the easy route and staying where it's comfortable, when God actually wants me to step out and do something uncomfortable? Am I actually standing in my own way and keeping myself from fulfilling my God-ordained purpose and plan simply because that plan doesn't appear feasible or sensible? What if God is waiting to move in a big way in my life if I will simply yield to Him and take a daring leap of faith? 
 I don't know how you will answer these questions, but I do know that perhaps - if you are surrendered enough to where God is desiring you to go - you will discover things that will change how you live...all because you will willing to choose faith in the face of your fears. 
