Quote of the Day

"Oh, come, poor, weak thing, and lie down by faith in the bosom of your Lord Jesus, in the bosom of that infinite fullness, that everlasting strength that is in Him, and take a holy ease from all anxious thought and perplexing fear because of the little strength that is in you...
Come, bow to the Savior. He accounts it an honor done to Him when a poor sinner in his utmost felt weakness says, by faith, 'In the Lord have I strength' - when he says so by way of dependence upon His fullness and by way of persuasion that he shall be supplied from that source. Oh come, cast your care upon Christ! In well-doing, commit the keeping of your soul unto Him as unto a faithful creator who will not forsake the work of His own hands nor suffer the weakest soul that rests on Him to fail."
                          - Anne Dutton in Seasons Of The Heart
