A Needed Reminder

Nothing In The House

"Thy servant, Lord, hath nothing in the house,
Not even one small pot of common oil; 
For he who never cometh but to spoil
Hath raided my poor house again, again,
That ruthless strong man armed, who men call Pain.

I thought that I had courage in the house,
And patience to be quiet and endure,
And sometimes happy songs; now I am sure
Thy servant truly hath not anything,
And see, my song-bird hath a broken wing.


My servant, I have come into the house - 
I who know Pain's extremity so well
That there can never be the need to tell
His power to make the flesh and spirit quail:
Have I not felt the scourge, the thorn, the nail?

And I, his Conquerer, am in the house,
Let not your heart be troubled: do not fear:
Why shouldest thou, child of Mine, if I am here?
My touch will heal thy song-bird's broken wing,
And he shall have a braver song to sing."

- Amy Carmichael 
(based on 1 Kings 17:7-16)
