Quote of the Day
" Ever since the days of St. Augustine, it has been a proverb that God has made the heart of man for Himself, and that the heart of man finds no true rest till it finds its rest in God. But long before the days of St. Augustine, the Psalmist had said the same thing. The heart of man, the Psalmist had said, is such that it can pour itself out nowhere but before God. In His sovereignty, in His wisdom, and in His love, God has made the heart of man so that at its deepest - but for Himself - it is absolutely solitary and alone. So much so that, 'Not even the tenderest heart, and next our own, knows half the reasons why we smile or sigh.' They see us smile, and they hear us sigh, but the reasons why we smile or sigh are fully known to God alone."
- Alexander Whyte *
* Taken from Lord, Teach Us to Pray copyrighted 1976 and quoted in Worthy is the Lamb copyrighted 2004.
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