God Mends...
God sometimes speaks grace to us in unexpected places. God mends in often unexpected ways. I had just finished pouring out my heart to a friend a short time earlier. Lately, life had dealt me several losses. My soul was heavy. I had told her so. Now, as I had briefly stopped at a clothing store to use a soon-to-be-expired coupon, I walked through the aisles of men's shirts, ties, and suits, seeing if I could find something nice for my dad. Just then, in that mundane moment, God showed up. This song came over the speakers, and I stopped to listen....I had never heard it before. I never expected to hear it in such a public place as this. Maybe at the Christian bookstore, but not here. As I listened, clothing decisions suddenly put on hold, I felt God's peace. I sensed His touch of life. The words met me right where I needed them most: He takes broken things and makes them beautiful. As the song ended, I felt renewed. I was given the strength to go on...to embrace each loss with its promise of hope. To take life as it comes and know that He will always remain faithful, that His plans are good. Most of all, I was reminded that He never forgets us, even in our hour of need, and will be there for us...redeeming...repairing...giving life.
Praise God Hallelujah! :-) He God is the Maker & Restorer of Everything. God is Good All the time. Amen.