The God Who Is There
An old hymn in my faith tradition talks about how God leads everyone along our journey to faith differently: some of us come "through the water," others "through the flood." Some come by fire, others by sorrow yet, in the midst of it all, the promise is that "God gives a song in the night season and all the day long." We all arrive safely, regardless of how we came. The hands of God guide and guard us through the many temptations, struggles, losses, concerns and pains that life brings our direction, gently holding us as we make our way through the storms and chaos of a fallen world. I was among those who discovered their hope via the way of floods and great sorrow. Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time or listened to my weekly podcast will know that my path has not been an easy one. I had to tune my voice and my ears to that "song in the night season" on many an occasion... something relatively unknown to me until my late teen y...